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Brioche Doughnuts with Mango Curd Filling

We are going to make a lot of things with my basic brioche dough so I suggest you at least try to make the recipe on your own. My favorite thing about my brioche is that you can bake as it is and it’ll give you a pretty amazing brioche. I recently posted it baked as it is on my instagram as received great feedback. I don’t really like doughnuts. I just crave it occasionally so I always have a portion of my brioche dough for those moments. This recipe is the same as my basic brioche dough with a few additions.

Recipe Yields 16 doughnuts

what you need

A full portion of my basic brioche dough

! tablespoon lemon zest

2 tablespoons bourbon (optional)

1L vegetable oil for frying

Sugar Coat

1/2 cup sugar

1 tablespoon lemon zest


1 cup of my mango curd.


Prepare my basic brioche dough as directed but add lemon zest and the bourbon whilst making the dough. Add the lemon zest to the sugar and bourbon to the milk and mix as directed. Follow the instructions and place the brioche in the fridge overnight.

The next day

Flour a baking tray and set aside.

To shape the doughnuts, flour a clean work station then place your dough on it. Gently knead dough to bring it together. You can roll out the dough and cut into desired size with a cookie cutter or you could just divide the brioche dough into 16 portions and shape each into a tight ball. Place shaped doughnut in the floured baking tray. Cover with a kitchen napkin and allow it to rise until almost doubled in size, about an hour.

To fry the brioche doughnuts, heat 1 litre of oil over medium low heat to 190C. To check if oil is hot enough (if you don't have a thermometer), stick a wooden ladle upright in the oil, if you see tiny bubbles then the oil is hot enough. Fry in batches turning regularly until they’re golden brown. If oil is too hot, it’ll brown too quickly without the insides cooking completely. Place fried doughnuts on a paper towel to drain excess oil then toss in the sugar coating.

To fill the doughnuts, allow them to cool down a bit. Gently poke a hole in them using a toothpick or a sharp small knife. Pipe the mango curd into them and set aside until they've all been filled. Serve immediately. I only pipe the curd into the doughnuts when I’m ready to serve.