My favorite Ingredients and where to find them

My favorite Ingredients and where to find them

I’m constantly receiving questions about where I get some of my fresh ingredients from so this article is going to highlight all my favorite places and the most convenient if you're not willing to go so far. This post would be updated as we go because I honestly can't remember some ingredients right now. Comment and let me know if I’m missing anything.


There are only 2 places I get my spices from, Makola and Mallam Market. If you want a variety then Makola is the way for you otherwise Mallam Market has a healthy selection of spices too. You’d need to show pictures to the market women since some do not have local names.

Fresh herbs parsley, cilantro, dill, mint etc

Agbogbloshie market, the vegetable section on your left. If you're not willing to go so far, maxmart and farmer’s market gh has a great aisle stocked with fresh herbs.

Fresh Rosemary

Fresh rosemary is very important stuff to me so I like to get it from just one place if I can. I prefer to get it from Farmers market gh, the east legion branch. Maxmart stocks it too but I’ve noticed that somehow the farmer’s market’s type stays fresh longer than maxmart’s.

Lemons & Oranges

I prefer the Ghanaian lemons. There are tart and more potent that their imported counterparts. I get them from agbogbloshie market. You can also get lemons from the hawkers in traffic. That said the imported lemons are good too if that is your jam.


I use a lot of Zeno’s yoghurt in my recipes. I get it directly from Zeno’s or from maxmart. There's about 4ghc difference if you get it from maxmart so I always try to get it from Zeno’s.

Ghanaian Tea Bread

Ghanaian Tea Bread

Rosemary Goat Jollof

Rosemary Goat Jollof